
Using Coconut Oil For Health

Coconut oil is prevalently used in tropical countries such as the Philippines. However, because of its many benefits, it has also recently become popular in the United States. It is commonly used for health, beauty, cooking, skin care and hair care and is considered a “superfood” by many. Coconut oil is extracted from the meat or kernel of mature coconuts. It contains high amounts of saturated fats, most of the medium chain fatty acids (MCFAs), which have been shown to have many health benefits. Most of the fats we consume are long chain fatty acids that must be broken down before they can be absorbed.

Coconut oil is high in short and medium chain fatty acids, which are easily digested and sent right to the liver for energy production. Coconut oil has been used to remedy various illnesses and health concerns for decades. In tropical countries such as India, Philippines, and the majority of Southeast Asia, this oil is a common item in most households.

Here are the health benefits of coconut oil:

1. Digestive Health

Most people who diet and already switched to healthier food choices are still having trouble losing weight. This is because they have a poor digestive system or are suffering from digestive issues. When your digestive system is poor, the nutrients that come from the food that you eat are not fully absorbed by your body, thus creating an imbalance. Coconut is a rich source of medium chain triglycerides (MCTs). These fatty acids are absorbed quickly and easily by the body compared to longer chain fatty acids, which are usually found in vegetable oils. MCTs are not only absorbed by the body better, but they also help other nutrients be absorbed by the body.

Coconut oil contains fatty acids that help reduce inflammation in the digestive system and Victor, Beth. Coconut Oil for Beginners: Your Ultimate Guide For Optimal Health, Wellness, Beauty and helps absorb nutrients from the food that they consume. This proves that coconut oil can help relieve symptoms of IBS, Crohn’s disease, and other digestive issues.

2. Alzheimer’s Disease 

The ketones produced when coconut oil is digested by the body provide fuel to the brain and are believed to be beneficial for those who are suffering from dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Glucose is the primary source of energy for the brain, but it cannot be metabolized easily. Ketones from coconut oil are believed to be an excellent alternative source of energy to keep the brain healthy and nourished.

3. Improved Blood Sugar Levels 

This wonder oil contains healthy fats that help regulate blood flow. It slows down the digestive process, which results in a steady stream of energy, which in turn lowers down the overall glycemic index of your meal. Adding this tropical oil to your diet can help improve your glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity in the long run. It also helps increase your body’s metabolic rate, which leads to improved insulin function and weight loss.

When insulin does not work properly, the cells in your body do not receive the energy they need, which can lead to an array of diseases. Coconut oil is easily digested and processed by your body without the need for insulin. Therefore, your body receives adequate energy regardless of insulin problems. This is the only oil recommended by doctors that can be consumed by diabetics because it does not cause glucose levels to spike and it even helps regulate glucose levels.

4. Hormonal Imbalance

Hormones are chemical messengers produced in the endocrine glands. They are secreted in the blood, which transports them to the tissues and organs in the body to stimulate their functions. A slight excess or deficiency in hormones can lead to diseases, skin issues, digestive system issues, fatigue and depression among others. Hormones are produced by the body using cholesterol and good fats. When you lack these dietary factors, it can lead to a hormonal imbalance since your body does not have the building blocks to produce them. Coconut oil helps keep your hormones well-balanced and it’s great for your gut health, too. It gives your body all the necessary building blocks to produce hormones. It also helps reduce inflammation, assists in weight loss, and it also has antibacterial and antimicrobial properties.

5. Candida Cure

Coconut oil contains Caprylic acid, which is a potent antifungal that effectively kills Candida yeast. Capric acid and Lauric acid found in this oil also has a similar effect. Together, they make a powerful antifungal treatment. Best of all, Candida yeast is least likely to build up resistance to this oil as opposed to other treatments that lose their potency in time.

6. Improves Energy 

Fats, protein, and carbohydrates are the key nutrients that your body needs to keep it fueled. But you have to choose the right kind of fat to boost your energy.

Coconut oil is packed with medium chain fatty acids (MCFA’s) which are beneficial for energy production since they are digested and metabolized easily by your body and is utilized effectively for energy. Adding this healthy oil in your meal boosts your metabolism and keeps it at a high level for 24 hours. When your metabolism is fast, you burn more calories, and your energy level rises, keeping your whole body energized.
Taking this oil also helps your body absorb other nutrients such as magnesium and vitamin B, which helps in energy production.

7. Eczema and Psoriasis Relief

This tropical oil has soothing properties that naturally heal and moisturize dry, flaky skin caused by eczema or psoriasis. For best results, mix 2 tablespoons coconut oil with 1 tablespoon Shea butter and 10 drops Geranium essential oil. Massage gently on your skin and apply as needed.

8. Potential Cure for HIV/AIDS 

The anti-viral effect of coconut oil beneficially reduces the viral load in HIV patients. According to a study conducted in the University of the Philippines, monolaurin is released when coconut oil is metabolized in the body. Monolaurin is an antiviral agent and an antibiotic. The study showed that the antiviral action is not only with the monoglyceride of Lauric acid but with the oil itself. This indicates the high anti-pathogenic activity of this oil.

9. Cancer Prevention 

Pure coconut oil is rich in Lauric acid, which is a compound that is also found in human breast milk. Lauric acid is an MCFA that is synthesized by your body into monolaurin. MCFAs antimicrobial properties support your immune system and are shown to prevent and reduce the growth of cancer cells.

10. Weight Loss 

Since this oil contains more MCFAs, which are easily burned by your body, it does not convert into stored fats. That being said, this oil is quickly used by your body as energy, which boosts your metabolism, making it easier to burn fats. Therefore, you start to lose weight and become leaner.

Also, coconut oil speeds up your metabolism for up to 24 hours. It not only burns its calories through thermogenesis, but it also burns calories from other food that you consume at a faster rate.

Just make sure to stay away from refined or hydrogenated coconut oils. Stick to pure, virgin coconut oil only as this is not chemically altered and contains all the healthy goodness the oil has to offer.

You can incorporate this oil into your diet by adding it to your smoothies or replacing your cooking oil with it. You can also use it for baking instead of butter or vegetable shortening. As an added benefit, it makes you feel full longer, so you do not crave for food while you are on a diet.

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